Why should you learn about DevOps?
What is DevOps? DevOps integrates software development and IT operations into a single continuous process that delivers significant benefits to achieve common business goals.
Before DevOps: Manual processes, build environments manually from scratch, water development, discuss IT infrastructure after code build, test after code build, and manually control IT components.
After DevOps: Continuous integration via automation, provision environment from IT catalog, agile development, provide IT infrastructure during development, write automated test before code build, and automate IT infrastructure comprehensively.
Drivers for software development to use DevOps: (1) Reduce time to get access to necessary IT resources. (2) Improve quality, performance, and stability of applications. (3) Extend time to improve development processes. (4) Shorten time to identify problems during development. (5) Increase agility and decrease duration of development.
DevOps in software development lifecycle:
– | plan | code | build | test | release | deploy | operate
DevOps | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes
continuous delivery | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | no
continuous integration | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes | no | no
agile development | yes | yes | yes | no | no | no | no
Reasons for IT operations to use DevOps: (1) Increase speed, resilience, reliability, stability, and predictability of deployment. (2) Decrease time to resolve customer support cases. (3) Maximize efficiency and reduce the cost of IT operations. (4) Gain time to improve IT infrastructure. (5) Improve visibility into IT processes and requirements.
Steps to implement DevOps: (1) Automate deployment. (2) Automate IT infrastructure. (3) Control source code versions. (4) Build continuous integration system. (5) Monitor It infrastructure. (6) Monitor applications. (7) Improve organizational culture. (8) Automate testing. (9) Visualize essential quality and productivity metrics. (10) Set limits on work in progress.
Benefits of DevOps for organizations: (1) Decrease time to market. (2) Increase responsiveness to emerging opportunities. (3) Reduce time to pinpoint problems across teams. (4) Enlarge customer conversion and boost customer satisfaction. (5) Maximize performance and mitigate risk.
DevOps toolchain software: Collaboration, planning, source code control, code quality analysis, build, issue tracking, configuration management, continuous integration, automated testing, deployment, and monitoring.
Best practices for DevOps: (1) Deliver minimum viable products. (2) Form dedicated and cross-functional teams. (3) Maximize flow of work. (4) Use loosely coupled architecture. (5) Deliver in small and frequent batches. (6) Eliminate overhead. (7) Automate testing, integration, and release. (8) Continuously capture customer feedback. (9) Identify actionable insights.
Databases in DevOps: (1) Manual handling of databases is the weak link in the continuous delivery chain. (2) Databases need a reliable automation and integration process. (3) Databases need specialized database tools. (4) Databases need to follow the same best practices as processes as other managed DevOps resources. (5) Databases are crucial for applications.
– See more at: https://www.idera.com/resource-center/infographics/why-should-you-learn-about-devops/
For more information, please refer to Webcast: Geek Sync – Is Your Database Environment Ready for DevOps? .
Topics : APIs, CLIs & DevOps,Application Performance,Database Administration,Database Backup,Database Development,Database Monitoring,Powershell,
Products : Precise for Databases,SQL Safe Backup,
IDERA Tools For DevOps
DevOps integrates software development and IT operations into a single continuous process that delivers significant benefits to common business goals. Learn how DevOps changes the software development lifecycle, what the drivers are for software development to use DevOps, the reasons for IT operations to use DevOps, the steps to implement DevOps, the benefits of DevOps for organizations, the DevOps toolchain software, best practices for DevOps, and databases in DevOps.
IDERA SQL Safe Backup contributes to DevOps by providing faster self-service access to copies of production databases, read and write copies available quickly to authorized users, point-in-time access for faster reset, a faster refresh of test databases with updates from production, reduced database administration, and workflow automation. This result in shorter time to market by removing provisioning bottlenecks and thus shorter time to complete projects for developing applications. Its command line interface (in addition to its graphical user interface) enables automation and integration into DevOps workflows. Learn More →
IDERA Precise Application Performance Platform adds to DevOps by monitoring the entire end-to-end technology stack of common applications (such as SAP, PeopleSoft, Oracle E-Business Suite, Microsoft .NET, and Java) with a particular focus on tracking transactions deep into common databases (such as Oracle Database, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2, and Sybase). Learn More →