Whitepaper : The Guide to Learning PowerShell

Microsoft’s Windows PowerShell is a task-based command-line shell and scripting language. It is an automation platform and scripting language that simplifies the management of Windows environments. It is designed primarily for system administration. It is becoming increasingly common as an automation tool for database administrators. Built on the .NET Framework, PowerShell controls and automates the management of the Windows operating system and the applications that run on Windows.

PowerShell provides an operating environment for commands that include cmdlets, functions, filters, scripts, aliases, and executables. PowerShell operates within a hosting application that exposes a command line to the user. It uses a host interface to communicate with the commands invoked by the command line. Utilize a console application, a Windows application, or a web application as the hosting application.

The electronic book with 20 chapters over three volumes provides a comprehensive introduction to PowerShell. This guide to learning PowerShell presents a wide range of topics with an abundance of knowledge. It introduces the PowerShell console, interactive PowerShell, variables, arrays and hash tables, the PowerShell pipeline, objects, conditions, loops, functions, scripts, and error handling. It also discusses scope, text and regular expressions, extensible markup language (XML), the file system, managing the Windows Registry, processes, services, and event logs, Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), user management, and loading .NET libraries, and compiling the code.

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Tobias Weltner

Tobias is one of the most visible PowerShell trainers in Europe, regular speaker at conferences such as the PowerShell Summit, and the German PowerShell conference which he organizes. Weltner is the creator of ISESteroids, a sophisticated extension for the built-in PowerShell editor. He shares his knowledge in trainings and free forums. He is the moderator of the PowerShell Ask-the-Experts forum on Windows client/server at powershell.com, member of the editorial board at powershellmagazine.com, and has written many books on PowerShell. He regularly submits advice and howtos at www.powertheshell.com, maintains the “daily PowerShell tip” at powershell.com, and is author of the free “PowerShell monthly” series of PowerShell technology related ebooks. In his spare time, Tobias enjoys sports, and as a member of the local Rotary club organizes youth exchange with over 30 countries.

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