Topics : Database Administration,Database Change Management,Database Development,SQL Query Performance,

Products : SQLyog,

Explore the power of SQLyog

Make SQLyog work for you with a few clicks. With multitudes of customizations available, you can automate SQLyog to do your database management work with minimal hassle. Save your precious time and hard earned money by doing less repetitive work.
SQLyog’s Ultimate edition provides the following valuable power tools:

  • Synchronize data: Automate and schedule the synchronization of data between two MySQL hosts.
  • Compare data: Compare data from the source and target to decide whether to synchronize and in which direction.
  • Compare and synchronize schema: Compare and synchronize the tables, indexes, columns, and routines of two databases.
  • Import external data: Import external data to transfer data from any ODBC compliant data source to MySQL.
  • Schedule backups​: Schedule the exporting of database schema (and optionally data) as SQL scripts for backup.
  • Schedule and report on queries: Validate SQL queries before scheduling, schedule queries, and send emails with query results.
  • Profile queries: Profile executed SELECT queries, and display query performance and detailed query information.

Watch this video to learn about SQLyog’s power tools.

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SQLyog is as versatile as it is powerful. With SQLyog, you can use a single tool to manage MySQL across physical, virtual, and cloud environments.
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