Check out our SQL Suites!

Check out our SQL Suites!

Save 40% by bundling our popular products that help you manage essential SQL Server functions

SQL Management Suite

SQL Management Suite

Manage your SQL Server environment
  • SQL Diagnostic Manager Pro
  • SQL Compliance Manager
  • SQL Secure
  • SQL Safe Backup
  • SQL Defrag Manager
SQL Discovery and Tuning Suite

SQL Discovery and Tuning Suite

Discover and tune SQL Servers
  • SQL Diagnostic Manager Pro
  • SQL Inventory Manager
  • SQL Defrag Manager
 SQL Performance Suite

SQL Performance Suite

Improve SQL Server performance
  • SQL Diagnostic Manager Pro
  • SQL Enterprise Job Manager
SQL Discovery and Tuning Suite

SQL Maintenance Suite

Automate SQL Server maintenance and operations
  • SQL Enterprise Job Manager
  • SQL Safe Backup
  • SQL Defrag Manager
SQL Security Suite

SQL Security Suite

Audit and secure SQL Servers and data
  • SQL Compliance Manager
  • SQL Secure
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