Whitepaper : How to Choose Between Paid and Open-Source Software Solutions

In this whitepaper, we look at the differentiating factors that inform the decision to use an open-source or paid software tool. Cost is not as simple a calculation as it seems.

Topics :

Products : Aqua Data Studio,DB Change Manager,DB Optimizer,DB PowerStudio,DBArtisan,ER/Studio Business Architect,ER/Studio Data Architect,ER/Studio Data Architect Professional,ER/Studio Enterprise Team Edition,ER/Studio Team Server Core,IDERA Database Tools,Precise for Applications,Precise for Databases,Rapid SQL,SQLyog,Uptime Infrastructure Monitor,

Robert Agar

Robert Agar spent a long and diverse career specializing in data backup, recovery, and compliance among other areas of the IT world. Tired of being woken up at all hours to provide support, he embarked on a new career as a freelance writer focusing on various areas of the tech sector. Outside interests include music, sports, and poker. He shares his home office with two green-cheeked conures who suggest topics and engage in the occasional proofreading exercise.

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