Topics : Database Administration,Database Diagnostics,Database Monitoring,Database Performance,

Products : SQL Enterprise Job Manager,

Value of SQL Enterprise Job Manager

IDERA SQL Enterprise Job Manager provides you an easy-to-use web solution that helps you monitor and manage your SQL Server Agent jobs across your enterprise. From one single web console, you can change jobs and automate workflows, receive alerts when jobs fail, restart or don’t complete on time. Viewing your job history and receiving alert notifications for the most critical job status has never been easier with SQL Enterprise Job Manager.

Try SQL Enterprise Job Manager FREE for 14 days

SQL job manager

Monitor and manage SQL Server agent jobs across the enterprise

  • Monitor SQL Server agent jobs across the enterprise
  • Easily view job status and details with familiar calendar layout
  • Configure and manage jobs that run over multiple instances
  • Set alerts to be notified of potential issues
  • Web-based architecture simplifies deployment

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