Video : ER/Studio Enterprise Team Edition

Govern Data

Data Architects and Data Modelers are frequently asked to deliver a data governance program or to help integrate data architecture within broader data governance initiatives. In this video, learn how to use ER/Studio to build a solid foundation for data governance. Topics covered in this session include:
-Managing business glossaries and terms, and learning how those are translated and used in the enterprise
-Security and auditing, including: documenting the role-based access to data, data remediation, and business rule validation to help data meet organizational standards for data quality
-Visualization and reporting to share governance information

Data governance is managing the availability, usability, integrity, and security of the data used in an organization. It involves developing policies, procedures, and standards for managing data, as well as implementing those policies and standards across the organization.

The goal of data governance is to ensure that an organization’s data is accurate, complete, consistent, and secure. It covers various areas, such as data quality, data security, data privacy, metadata management, and compliance with regulatory requirements.

Data governance is essential for organizations as it helps them make better decisions based on trusted data, reduce data-related risks, and improve operational efficiency. It also helps to ensure that one uses data with ethics and legality in mind. Effective data governance requires collaboration between business and IT stakeholders, as well as a culture of data-driven decision-making.

Data architects and data modelers often need to deliver a data governance program or to help integrate data architecture within broader data governance initiatives.
Watch this video to learn how to use ER/Studio to build a solid foundation for data governance.

Topics : Data Governance,Data Modeling,Enterprise Architecture,

Products : ER/Studio Data Architect,ER/Studio Enterprise Team Edition,

ER/Studio Enterprise Team Edition is the leading business-driven data architecture solution that combines multi-platform data modeling, business process modeling, and enterprise metadata for organizations of all sizes. With an extensive feature set, the ER/Studio suite provides robust logical and physical modeling with ER/Studio Data Architect, business process and conceptual modeling with ER/Studio Business Architect, business glossaries with ER/Studio Team Server, and more, to build the foundation for data governance programs.

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