Webcast : ER/Studio Enterprise Team Edition

Geek Sync | Select the Appropriate Approach to Data Governance

There are three distinct approaches organizations can follow to implement Data Governance. There is the command-and-control approach, the traditional approach and the non-invasive approach to putting a formal program in place. The benefits and the issues that result from the selected approach may not be what you think they are.

During the session, Bob Seiner will compare and contrast the three approaches to Data Governance while targeting the results at helping you to select the appropriate approach for your organization. Bob will clearly outline the similarities and differences in the approaches and provide examples of the results you can expect from each.

In this webinar, Bob will provide details of:

  • Three approaches to implementing a Data Governance program
  • The core components that must be addressed (and how they differ by approach)
  • A tool you can use to select the most appropriate approach to Data Governance
  • Why the selection of approach is a critical decision
  • How to select the best approach for your organization

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Bob Seiner

Bob Seiner is a thought-leader in the field of Data Governance and is known for his unique approach to the discipline. Bob focuses on consultative mentoring with his clients as the President and Principal of KIK Consulting & Educational Services (KIKconsulting.com) and the Publisher of The Data Administration Newsletter (TDAN.com). Bob is the author of the book “Non-Invasive Data Governance: The Path of Least Resistance and Greatest Success”, available on Amazon.com, and speaks often through his DATAVERSITY webinar series (Real-World Data Governance) and the Data Governance industry’s leading events.

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