Webcast : ER/Studio Enterprise Team Edition

Dataversity | A Balanced Approach to Data Maturity

Most organizations need to awaken to a sobering reality: their data maturity level is much lower than they realize. Organizational maturity is a journey requiring a balanced focus on both data and business process, with checkpoints along the way to ensure you’re on the right path. Ron Huizenga will discuss a continuous improvement approach that balances data and process alignment to achieve breakthrough results for data architecture and governance, using the Data Maturity Model as a benchmark.

Speaker: Ron Huizenga is the Senior Product Manager of Enterprise Architecture and Modeling at IDERA. Ron has over 30 years of business and IT experience across many different industries including manufacturing, retail, healthcare, and transportation. His hands-on consulting experience with large-scale data development engagements provides practical, real-world insights to enterprise data architecture, business architecture, and governance initiatives.

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Ron Huizenga

Ron Huizenga was the IDERA Senior Product Manager of Enterprise Architecture and Modeling at IDERA. Ron has over 30 years of business and IT experience across many different industries including manufacturing, retail, healthcare, and transportation. His hands-on consulting experience with large-scale data development engagements provides practical, real-world insights to enterprise data architecture, business architecture, and governance initiatives.

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Document and enhance data from multiple database platforms with ER/Studio Enterprise Team Edition. We can help you build and maintain enterprise data models and metadata.

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