Video : ER/Studio Team Server Core

Install ER/Studio Repository on Azure SQL Database

ER/Studio Team Server is a model and metadata collaboration platform that provides greater meaning, understanding, and context for enterprise data. Database professionals, developers, and business analysts gain better comprehension and compliance using integrated model, metadata, and collaboration tools.

With Team Server, data consumers can:

  • Integrate effective data comprehension capabilities into daily workflows, delivering context and meaning to every user.
  • Enable collaboration around data among teams across business units or business functions.
  • Support corporate compliance initiatives by driving responsible use of sensitive or private data.

Data modeling professionals can use Team Server to:

  • Integrate the business definitions of the glossary with internal web assets to give on-the-fly business context with tool-tips and pop-ups.
  • Create a single registry of all available data sources.
  • Adhere to industry regulations and business standards for security and privacy, by alerting users who view or change sensitive data within the tools.

And Team Server allows data management professionals and developers to:

  • Develop applications faster by using business terms to locate data elements.
  • Check access to and use of business glossaries and associated functions to understand immediate data management requirements.

ER/Studio Repository is a server-side model management system. It solves the day-to-day challenges of modeling in a team environment, where the reuse of model collaboration, versioning, security, and components is vital. The Repository allows multiple users to be productive while collaborating on data and business process modeling projects.

This video helps you to install the Repository for Team Server on Microsoft Azure SQL Database.

Topics : Data Governance,Data Modeling,Enterprise Architecture,

Products : ER/Studio Business Architect,ER/Studio Data Architect,ER/Studio Data Architect Professional,ER/Studio Enterprise Team Edition,ER/Studio Team Server Core,

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Document and enhance data from multiple database platforms with ER/Studio Enterprise Team Edition. We can help you build and maintain enterprise data models and metadata.

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